How do you take an underperforming unit–team, department, office, or company—that has run aground and get it moving forward?
In All Hands On Deck, Peter J. Boni shows any leader or aspiring leader exactly what to do. Following his advice, recognition and rewards come quickly. It even allows leaders without an MBA or Ivy League education to leapfrog over those who have superior credentials or stronger ties to the old boys' network.
Peter's own career is the best illustration of his methods. A former special operations infantry officer and decorated combat veteran, Boni became a high-tech CEO of a wide variety of companies during a thirty-year business career, leading many of them through the varying stages of growth, maturity, trouble, and renewal.
Boni shows you how to use his scars of experience to rapidly advance your own career. Through his own experiences and detailed case studies, All Hands On Deck clearly illustrates how to:
Praise for All Hands on Deck
"A timeless guide to navigating the challenges of organizational change in today's ever more turbulent seas. . . . A must read for anyone commencing a significant change effort!" —Len Schlesinger, Baker Foundation Professor, Harvard Business School, President Emeritus, Babson College