In our abundant consumer societies, we spoil ourselves by purchasing bright and shiny new things that strike our fancy – just on a whim.
After a while, they just seem to pile up. We shove them in the back of a drawer. We toss them on the floor of a closet. They create a lot of clutter. We hope it will all go away, but like that old adage, "We can't see the forest for the trees." Our house and all our living spaces are cluttered to a point we cannot find anything, see anything we own, or (and this is the worst) even remember that we have it.
If you're now saying to yourself, "Enough!!", in three short days you can gain control back over your living spaces by decluttering and reorganizing your spaces and your possessions. In three short days, you can start training your family members (or housemates) in how to maintain the order in their personal spaces and in shared spaces.
You will learn: