A rare and crucial perspective on Latina/o/x people in the Midwest, Building Sustainable Worlds reveals how expressive culture contributes to, and sustains, a sense of place in an uncertain era.
| Cover Title Page Copyright Contents Acknowledgments Introduction Part I: Emergent Futures Chapter 1. Unsustainable Environments and Place in Literature Chapter 2. Radical Hospitality in a Small Iowa Town Chapter 3. Chicago Tropical: Fausto Fernós's Transloca Drag Performances Chapter 4. Finding MexiRican Placemaking in Michigan Chapter 5. A Chicagolandia Zine Community Part II: Practices of Placemaking Chapter 6. Creating La Estación Gallery Chapter 7. Testimony: A Welcoming Spirit Chapter 8. Creating Latinx Arts Networks in Chicago Part III: Scale and Place Chapter 9. Festival de las Calaveras and Somatic Emplacement in Minnesota Chapter 10. Refugees, Religious Spaces, and Sanctuary in Wisconsin Chapter 11. The Ratio of Inclusion in East Chicago, Indiana Chapter 12. Ohio Latinx Festivals Create New Publics Chapter 13. Is the Chicago Latino Film Festival a Latinx Place? Chapter 14. Living Lakes: Performing Latinx and Black History Bibliography Contributors Index Back cover |"Building Sustainable Worlds is a transdisciplinary tour de force of Latinx Studies scholarship that captures the vibrancy, resiliency, diversity, and idiosyncrasy of Latinx expressive culture in the Midwest! This wonderfully curated collection of essays serves as an outstanding contribution to the new scholarship on the Latinx Midwest."—Louis Mendoza, author of A Journey Around Our America: A Memoir on Cycling, Immigration, and the Latinoization of the U.S.|Theresa Delgadillo is a professor of English and Chican@ and Latin@ Studies at the University of Wisconsin. She is the author of Latina Lives in Milwaukee. Ramón Rivera-Servera is Dean of and a professor in the College of Fine Arts at the University of Texas at Austin. He is the author of Performing Queer Latinidad: Dance, Sexuality, Politics. Geraldo L. Cadava is a professor of history and Wender-Lewis Teaching and Research Professor at Northwestern University and author of The Hispanic Republican: The Shaping of an American Political Identity, from Nixon to Trump. Claire F. Fox is M.F. Carpenter Professor of English at the University of Iowa. She is the coeditor of The Latina/o Midwest Reader.